Is it expensive to car a car? — 7 practical car maintenance skills for you

Most people thought buying cars costs their a lot. But they don’t notice car care also. Car needs constant maintenance during its lifetime. The lack of knowledge of many vehicle owners has led to the maintenance of the car is not in place. Those details hurts the car, but also indirectly increases the cost of the car care.

Caring the car has brought a lot of economic pressure to the owners. How to care cars well, and less cost. The following tips for you to to save money!

1. Do not pursue high standards of oil

Gasoline number is only a parameter to calibrate gasoline antiknock ability. It is not necessarily related to whether gasoline is clean and whether it is fuel-efficient. It is not that the higher the number of gasoline is, the better. Even a high-grade car is not equal to the marked gasoline.

What kind of oil should be added to the oil specification to be used in the specification, so that the engine engine compression ratio is compatible with the gasoline anti-explosion coefficient, and cannot be measured by price (compression ratio can generally be found in the vehicle specification, and the automobile manufacturer will also The inside of the tank is marked with the recommended fuel number).

2. Scientific and rational maintenance of cars

The vehicle maintenance cycle is the interval or time between car maintenance. High maintenance frequency is not a bad thing and can more effectively protect the performance of the vehicle. The initial use of the car is mainly normal maintenance, and the cost is relatively low; when the vehicle is used for a certain period of time or after a certain mileage, it will enter the maintenance period, and the cost is relatively higher. Scientifically determining the interval between various types of maintenance operations not only enables the car to maintain a good technical condition, but also enables you to save on maintenance and repair costs.

However, when deciding on the automobile maintenance cycle, the maintenance cycle recommended by the automobile manufacturer should be consulted, and the maintenance cycle should be adjusted appropriately in accordance with the automobile’s own technical conditions and actual conditions of use. A new car with a good general condition of the automobile may be appropriately prolonged. If the condition of the car is poor or the conditions of use are poor, the maintenance cycle should be appropriately shortened.

3. Simple replacement of their own parts

The air filter and the wiper are all necessary auxiliary parts of the car. The air filter is the first “level” through which the air enters the engine. Its role is to filter out the dust and impurities in the air and keep the air flowing into the engine. All are cleaner, and the wipers enhance the safety of the owners in the rainy season.

General automobile air filters should be changed once for 20,000 kilometers, 10,000 kilometers for inspection, and wipers need to be replaced every six months to one year. It can be said that the air filter and the wiper are the cheapest parts in the car. The inspection and replacement of the two are very simple. It is not worthwhile to waste time and money on a repair site.

4. Do not add only half a box of oil

It is not uncommon for fuel tanks to become underfilled. Some owners often add only a small part of the oil and refuel when they are nearing depletion. In fact, this will cause the fuel pump in the upper part of the tank to often not be cooled by the fuel and be easily burned. Replacing a fuel pump costs several hundred dollars. Using this method to control oil is a big mistake.

5. To replace your filter

Always pay attention to cleaning the car’s filter. Do not underestimate it, it will directly affect your fuel consumption and other situations. During the use of the internal combustion engine of an automobile, dust and other impurities will be continuously mixed into the oil. At the same time, the oxidation of the oil and the exhaust gas will cause the oil to gradually produce gum or sludge. This not only accelerates the wear of the components, but also easily causes oil. Road blocked. So regularly clean the car’s filter.

6. Tire inflation should be appropriate

Correcting tire pressure is the most important part of safety inspection. Too low tire pressure will lead to abnormal wear or tire internal damage tire pressure is too high will make tires and rims more vulnerable to uneven road impact deformation and even lead to puncture. The tire pressure must be checked regularly. Except for the spare tire, other tires should be checked at least two weeks. The tire pressure must be checked under the condition that the tire is cooled. Otherwise, the tire temperature will increase due to the high temperature.

7. Car wash in rainy days

The car should be cleaned on rainy days, not only because the car is dirty but more important is to protect the car paint. On rainy days, a car wash is still required. Car owners who pay attention to keeping a car will often wash the car so that dirt, tar, and resin adhered to the paint surface can be removed to keep the paint surface smooth.

If a layer of the oily protective film is applied to the paint surface, it will also prevent rainwater from directly corroding the paint surface. And it is best to wash your own hands, long-term adherence to your own car wash, you can indeed save a lot of expenses.

Car wash chooses GOCLEAN steam car wash machine only takes 2 liters water and no need any chemical and shampoo to clean cars.

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