This is the correct way to wash your car, and you don’t know if you’re on OUT!

In the summer rainy season, the frequency of car owners is getting higher and higher. Facing the various car washing methods in the market, what kind of cleaning method can be used to make the car wash the cleanest?

1.  Automatic car wash

In order to save time, many owners often choose to “wash quickly” the car wash. The so-called “quickly wash” car wash is to drive the car to a designated location, not to pull the handbrake, do not step on the brakes, in the case of neutral, the automatic car wash machine to you according to the computer set the program to wash the car.

Automatic car wash
The advantage of an automatic car wash
  • The price is relatively cheap.
  • Convenient and quick.
  • No artificial, computer program control.
Disadvantages of automatic car wash
  • The use of a hard brush, easy to scratch the paint surface.
  • Can not take into account the car interior cleaning.
  • Low degree of detail cleaning.

2. Ordinary washing

Ordinary washing is currently the most widely used car washing method. The surface of the car is washed with a high pressure water gun, and the surface of the car and the interior of the car are cleaned with tools such as rags and plastic foam.

Ordinary washing car
The advantage of ordinary washing
  • Can take into account both inside and outside the vehicle, cleaning more thoroughly.
  • The price is relatively cheap.
Disadvantages of ordinary washing
  • Too much pressure may cause damage to the paint.
  • In the scrubbing process with a rag, easy to damage the paint surface.
  • Waiting time is longer.

3. Waterless car wash

In fact, waterless car wash still has “water”, but the water consumption is relatively small. Spray a variety of cleaning materials on the car, wipe with a wet wipe, and polish the dry towel, eliminating the need for water washing.

Waterless car wash
The advantage of  waterless car wash
  • Environmental protection and water, no pollution.
  • Mobile car wash more convenient.
Disadvantages of waterless car wash
  • Due to lack of pressure, can not adhere to the surface of the paint particles washed clean;
  • Wipe alone wipes, easy to damage the paint.

4. Steam car wash

Through the characteristics of steam drying, comprehensive cleaning of every minute part of the car with proper pressure and temperature can achieve better car wash cleanliness.

Steam car wash
The advantage of Steam car wash
  • Mobile door-to-door service to save customers’ queuing time.
  • Energy-saving and environmental protection, conform to social development trends.
  • Low-temperature steam is more gentle, to avoid high-pressure impact sand particles on the paint damage.
  • Clean interior and exterior of the car, including the engine

In the absence of water resources today, the country advocates “low-carbon energy conservation, green environmental protection.” The traditional car wash mode consumes a large amount of water, apparently no longer adapting to social development. The steam car wash that advocates water saving and emission reduction has reached unprecedented heights in valuing water resources. It has developed rapidly in recent years, and is promoted under the national policy. It is promoting a major change in the entire car wash industry.