How to earn money with GOCLEAN car steamer

Steam car washer is now recognized and used by many car wash shops. Many traditional car wash shops also want to replace steam car wash machines, but they are worried about not being profitable. Now we will introduce some profit methods to help everyone.

Cleaning the engine

The GOCLEAN steam car washing machine makes people see the dawn of car engine cleaning. Although steam is also water, its density is much smaller, and 85% of the steam evaporates immediately after washing, which will not form water flow to the engine circuit and various damage caused by electronic components.

There are a series of advantages to steam cleaning automobile engines by using GOCLEAN car wash machine. For example, steam has a pressure of 20 kg, some dust covered on the engine surface can be easily washed away. The steam emitted also has a certain temperature. In combination with a pressure of 20 kg, the oily dirt of engine surface can be cleaned, and the cleaned place will dry immediately due to the evaporation of steam, which means that the steam will dry immediately after washing, and the owner can drive away after washing, without having to wait for the engine compartment to dry slowly.

Cleaning the interiors of the car

Compared with traditional car washing machines, cleaning the car interior is one of the biggest advantages of GOCLEAN steam car wash machines. It does not require additional cleaning foam and can be switched to dry steam mode according to demand. Then can easily clean the air-conditioning port, the car roof, and remove the oily smell, etc., without leaving a watermark, the effect of cleaning is clearly visible.

Cleaning the interiors of the car

Cleaning the exterior of the car

Steam car wash appearance also makes money, because GOCLEAN steam takes 7 minutes to clean 1 car, and only uses 2 workers and 2L water,so the steam car wash appearance can also be profitable, but compared with the above two each cleaning project, the profit is not very large. So the biggest profit point of the steam car washing machine is in the engine and interior cleaning.

The effect of the steam car washing machine is still very good, and compared to traditional car washing, it can also clean the engine and interior, increase the car washing project, the profit is even greater.