How often do you clean the inside of your car?

How often do you clean the inside of your car? Once a month? Every three months? It’s easy to see when you need to take your car to the car wash or get out the bucket and sponge.

But what about the inside of your car?

Research shows that we are happy to eat our lunch, ferry our kids from place to place and take our pets to their favorite parks in our car. Yet one in ten of us utterly ignore the bacterial growing on our steering wheels and air conditioning units.

Tests have shown harmful bacteria could be growing in your car next to where you are eating or a sandwich you just picked up.

So are you still ready for suffering in such an unhealthy environment? You wouldn’t go to a toilet if it hasn’t been cleaned after a week. But for some reason why you can accept not cleaning the inside of your car.

The latest research shows how often you should be cleaning the interior of your car – the answer is it should be more often than you think.

Our GOCLEAN steam car washer can not only clean the inside of your car but also kill the bacteria which existed in your car by using high-temperature steam vapor and washing it away by high pressure. so you don’t worry about it being harmful to your body. At the same time, you can save a lot of money to pay for your every monthly bill.